Massive asteroid close to Earth this month 21:    NASA scientists

NASA scientists have discovered that a giant asteroid is approaching Earth. Scientists say the massive asteroid known as FVO32 2001 will be 2 million kilometers closer to Earth on the 21st of this month.

Scientists are preparing to study this asteroid and find many things inside it. Scientists discovered this huge asteroid nearly 20 years ago and named it FVO32 in 2001.

nasa astreriod

Asteroids are believed to be about 3,000 feet in diameter. They said it followed the orbital path around the sun. That makes it unlikely that it will get closer than 2 million kilometers from Earth, scientists have said. However, they say it should be considered a dangerous asteroid.

It is said to rotate at the fastest speed of any asteroid that has approached Earth so far. Scientists study sunlight reflected off an asteroid. Thanks to this, scientists study its size, the minerals it contains and its chemical composition.

asteroid near to earth

He said it would be brighter to those in the southern hemisphere than the rest of the world when a massive asteroid approaches Earth. Scientists recall that on June 30, 1908, an asteroid struck Earth in the Tunguska region of Siberia.

asteroid near to earth

This led to the destruction of a large area of ​​forest in the Tunguska region. Some scientists say it returned to space after hitting the ground, while others say it melted onto Earth because it was icy.