4 Useful Food to Avoid Dehydration

Dehydration occurs due to less quantity of fluids in your body. It's because of losing more fluids than you taking into your body. Produces more heat, digestion problems, and exertion caused due to dehydration. Fluids went out from your body in the form of sweat and urine.

Here we go to know 4 helpful food to avoid dehydration.

1. Coconut Water

          When you are dehydrated, Hormones in your body get an imbalance. You need to take more than just fluids like coconut water to recover its balance.

        Electrolytes are minerals present in coconut water to keep proper fluid balance and regular heartbeats. 
Coconut Water contains 
* Sodium 

Coconut water supplies electrolytes and few carbs.it helps to prevent muscle hamstring.250ml of coconut water contains:

* Potassium: 10% of the Daily Value(DV)
* Calories: 50
Coconut water refills the fluids in your body as fast as sports drinks when you did exercises. It may also recover your stomach from stomach upset. Sipping coconut water slowly, controls your vomiting.

2. Soups

Soups also supplies more water and electrolytes to your body as like coconut water. Coconut water and soups both are key for rehydration.

Bone broth is the most essential soup for healthy joints and reduce overexertion.Bone broth contain animals protein like Collagen. Cooking bone broth for 8 hours increases its calcium and magnesium, content which is most important for strong bond and muscles. 

250ml of beef bone broth contain:
* Sodium: 21% of the DV
* Potassium: 9% of the DV
*Phosphorus: 6% of the DV

By taking sodium, reduces heart problems and decreases high blood pressure. Many experts advisethat 1500-2500mg of sodium intake everyday is good for health.

3. Watermelon & Honeydew

Fruits like Watermelon,Honeydew and Cantaloupe contain high water contentwhich can  help you to rehydration. 

Keep melons in fridge and eat,if you get dehydration due to heat in your body.

150 g of Watermelon contain 139ml(92%) of water. 150g Honeydew and Cantaloupe bothj contain 90% of water.

4. Gazpacho 

Gazpacho is a one type of soup that made with raw tomatoes and other vegetableswhich are high with water content.these soup is very famous in Spain and Portugal especially in summer days.

Tomato is one of the water content fruit(people treat tomato as the kitchen vegetable),which contain 94%  of water. 

180g of Tomato contains: 

* Water: 94%
* Potassium: 9% of the DV 
* Calories: 33

Potassium is important to prevent heart diseases and controls blood pressure.

To prepare gazpacho soup:
* Blend raw tomatoeswith cooling cucumber
* Olive oil
* Garlic 
* Onion
* Taste to salt 
* Pepper
* Mix all ingredients and then eat.

By cooking this soup, water in all ingredients will evaporates.