science center tirupati

 welcome to regional science center this center has many different types of science experiments and information about universe and illusion and sense of organs while electrical pulse etc. And it has a picnic spot for people with herbs, musical martials with science on sounds making and science center gives lot of knowledge to various people.

experiment in science center

Our universe - Every human being has a curious about universe and how we started? and how its end ? these questions makes human movie forward on research race on space. Our science center showed a demo with a large hadron collider (LHC) to get depiction applications related to universe ,including simulation of universe at the time of Big Bang this is the main attraction in center. Here we get a information on what is matter ? what is space ?how universe works etc.

non conventional energy experiment

Non Conventional Energy Resources - The existing energy harvesting methods of the world its drawbacks and sustainable innovative options meeting and growing future energy demands with hands on exhibits.  

popular science experiments

Popular Science - It shows how the heat , magnetism, sound and light etc. Their character and properties exhibits in galleries to gain a more information for innovative ideas to the visitors.

emerging technology

Emerging Technology - New information on science and technology with new applications. Miniaturization changed complete concept of communication other fields. This gallery shows cutting edge technology frontiers research like ocean technology, Nano technology , space technology , image technology etc.

experiment on senses

Our Senses - Our organs react with different materials at different temperature  and also senses also change way of thinking according to type of a materials .

illusion experiment

Llusions - Llusions also depend on sensory organs what we saw sometimes it get confuse what we saw in reality in science center has different experiment on illusion .

science park

Science Park - Regional science center has part with different materials what it teach us lessons in sound waves , vibrations musical notes while we talk and play with it.

prehistorical park tirupati

Pre Historical Park - Center had got historical park with various herbal plants for may diseases it is amazing in center. And also this park take us in prehistoric times with idols of spices which rules the earth like Dimetrodon, Anatosarus , Smilodon, Lemour etc.

This is the place to get tons of information about science best place to visit all age group people here along with knowledge we get happiness in it known about origin of  universe. They conduct a science awareness programs. those who visited they show a 3D films on science , science fair, quiz, community tanning centers etc.

Ticket fairs - Science centers     30/-

                     3D films                30/-

                    Planetarium            40/-

                   Science Shows        10/-

Exhibition Hours :- Mon -Sat  09:00am -06:00 pm

                                Sunday    10:30am -06:30pm

It exhibits through out the year except Ganesha Chathurthi & Deepavali.